Today we have a Mama and Baby named Boa and Monster (previously known as Cookie)! One day a beautiful grey and peach cat turned up on our deck carrying a tiny black and white kitten with her.
She plopped it down and sat watching so we went inside and got the little Queen her and her baby's food. It was like she thought bringing the kid would secure her food hah but we, of course, would have fed her regardless. For a long time, she was simply named Mama - then my husband and I decided to name her Boa in honor of a one piece character (shown below) because whenever we come near her, she begins bobbing her head backwards reaching her neck so far back trying to get us to notice and pet her! She's too funny and still does this to this day!
And as for Monster, his name was originally Cookie (because of the black and white Oreo look) until I realized she was a he and decide to name him Monster (Cookie to Monster, get it?) hah.
After Monster had a snack (above), he went on to the bottom of the deck to play, until...
He met Miss Kitty!
But then began rolling around and fell asleep... for 2 minutes.
Then decided he wanted to go inside for another snack!

Milk, Yum!

And then, Monster became a teenager!
And then he wanted back outside
Here are some photos of teenager/adult Monster loving outside
When Boa originally came to us with Monster, she disappeared later that day. We thought she was going to get more of her kittens but she didn't bring any back when she finally showed back up sometime later. During the time she was gone, I made sure to take care of her baby as per her instructions when she dropped him off, as seen below, he got quite comfy next to me and fell asleep easy-peasy! (Could I look any more thrilled? lol)
Boa is one crazy character of a cat, though; the head bouncing, laying on her back and show her belly all the time looking just like a fluffy teddy bear, leading us here or there and then decide she doesn't want to go outside or wants to but wants to go out a different door and if we try to pick her up and help she sometimes lets us know she wants to do it herself lol, she's very particular and we love her for it! ❤
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