Sunday, 15 November 2020

Miss Kitty

Where to begin. It's been a very, very long time since I've written/typed that name - it could never be so long that I would forget it, and no matter the length, it will always hurt. As you've gather, she is no longer with us, but this blog is not meant to make you sad, therefore, from now on I will forgo mentioning which of these fine chaps are gone or still with us and just present each of them and their adorable personalities in the present to make you (and me) smile!

And so, here is my beautiful girl,

And here are some pictures of her from when she was a kitten 😍

In the photo above you can see her left eye is a bit glassy. The vet said it was something that happened to her around when she was born, but it never seemed to impede anything she did, thankfully!

In the one below she found a dish outside that was turned onto its side and butted up against the deck wall ... seems like the perfect place for a cat nap!! 😆

In the photo above you can see her nose really well. I have yet to come across another kitty with such a similar nose. Her nose is very orange, rather than pink, and is outlined so well with her dark brown markings, it's really interesting!

She's a beautiful girl who loves being outside but never strays from the property of her own volition. One of her favourite places is to hunt and sleep in the garden alongside me when I am working in there - I love the company!

Miss Kitty loves taking care of other cats. She isn't a mother herself (we get all our rescues spayed or neutered) but has a younger brother from another litter (Mr. Kitty) who she enjoys caring for and showing/teaching the ropes. She's taught him to sleep on the back of the big comfy recliner, something which Mr. Kitty still does to this day - it's actually quite comical to see his face when my husband's grandma reclines the chair not realizing he's up there 😌😹 but not to worry, he always manages to stay on just fine and goes right back to his cat nap!

She loves attention and loves to give attention to humans and other cats alike. She is the best kitty! I love her with all my heart. ❤❤❤

It is only fitting that she should be the first, though she technically isn't the first cat I rescued, she is, however, the first cat I rescued here in the country where I have lived for over 10 years. My next post will be about the first cat I ever rescued when I was about 11 years old - Persian!


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