What to say! There's so much!
Mr. Kitty has been with us the longest and has been our baby from day one. He is a dapper chap in his beautiful orange (almost reddish) coat - something I have yet to see in another orange cat! He also has really beautiful deep yellow (not greenish like some cats) eyes!
Here he is in all his glory!

He really is a beautiful boy! When he was born (born inside the house luckily) I could hear small meows and knew - the babies had been born! But their mother wasn't a great mother, she was a VERY scared cat, who thankfully had managed to allow us into her life enough to have her kittens inside the house but she would never let you anywhere near her and I guess her motherly instincts weren't great. When Mr. Kitty was born, his foot was wrapped up in another one of the kitten's umbilical cord and was swollen, large and red! I immediately called the vet and they said to bring him down. They cut him free and removed the umbilical cord from his brother and told me I would need to apply a warm compress to the foot 4 times and day for 15 minutes at a time to help reduce the swelling, but they warned me he might still either lose the foot or not heal correctly - either way, it's mute now because I diligently took care of him and a few weeks later he was right as rain!
He was born a year or two after Miss Kitty and has been the boss around here ever since! All the others cats seem to look up to him, giving him mandatory head licks when he walks up to them and bows his head! (like a boss lol) He's a special boy, who is particularly my husband's baby (man does he love that guy, and vice versa! lol)
In 2010, when he was either 1 or 2 years old (can't quite remember) he broke his leg! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¿ We aren't sure how it happened, he just came home and it was dangling! So we brought him to the vet and they put on a cast!
Here he is below with it on

The first day when we brought him home, we thought something was wrong. He wouldn't walk and would plop down onto his side or his butt sticking his cast leg in the air and meow so loudly! After doing this three or four times, however, he began walking just fine, his little peg leg thumping along with him, as he realized the cast wasn't coming off! haha Guess he was asking us to "free" him, but we didn't so he got the hint - it was staying on. Then we had the pleasure of hearing him cry every time he looked out the window for 5 weeks straight, as the vet said we should keep him indoors so his leg could heal properly. It was 5 weeks were we gave him a lot of undivided attention/care/love to keep him busy! In the end, the cast was removed and he was able to go back outside as per his usual. Thankfully, nothing like this has happened since! He does have a jaunty walk to this day but it's his right leg that he kicks out when walking and not his left? so...? Only he knows all the crazy stuff he gets into out there!
And now for your viewing pleasure, more Mr. Kitty shots!
We were in the garden and he followed along for a photo shoot!
Mr. Kitty has brought us many smiles and happy memories over the years! Whether it is replying to us with short sharp meh (meows) almost as if he is agreeing, or his drawn out long pleading meows when he smells something he likes (we're vegan now but back when he was younger we would buy sliced turkey and he would go nuts for it! My husband joked that we bought the expensive stuff just for him hah because he'd end up eating half of the bag! We must really love you cat lol)
A few years ago we got a new set of kittens that were born outside but we got to come inside (we then got them spayed and neutered) and now Mr. Kitty is showing them how life is done! Their own parents vanishing one day, but it's okay, they have their big surrogate brother, Mr. Kitty! I have many more photos of this dapper boy and when found, I will be making a new post with updated shots! We love you so, so, so much, Mr. Kitty! ❤
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