YesCat's Rescue Kitties
Welcome to my site! YesCat is an anagram of my own name - Stacey! Here, I'll be posting photos of all the kitties I've rescued over the years. It's partly to make you smile, a place where subscribers can help me help them by donating, and it is also a site to honor and remember them. I live in the country and have been rescuing kitties for over 10 years now. It can be hard at times (they don't always get along!) but it is always rewarding! Follow me on my journey and meet the gang!
Monday, 16 November 2020
Here we have the most gentle boy - Pugrish. His name comes from a video game (Shadow of Mordor - a Lord of the Rings game) and was one of the Orc's names that both my husband and I loved the name of (pronounced Poo-Grish, not Pug-Grish). He is a brown stripey short haired cat who randomly showed up one day already at least a year or two, or even three old (most likely I'd say he was 3). He was my lap kitty! The only kitty that ever did what he would do. He was meow at me until I bent down to form a ledge with my legs and he would then climb up onto my lap and lay across my legs purring and cooing and giving me the most lovingest love eyes, ever!
(the colours look great with his colouring!)
Mama (Boa) and Monster (Cookie)
Today we have a Mama and Baby named Boa and Monster (previously known as Cookie)! One day a beautiful grey and peach cat turned up on our deck carrying a tiny black and white kitten with her.
She plopped it down and sat watching so we went inside and got the little Queen her and her baby's food. It was like she thought bringing the kid would secure her food hah but we, of course, would have fed her regardless. For a long time, she was simply named Mama - then my husband and I decided to name her Boa in honor of a one piece character (shown below) because whenever we come near her, she begins bobbing her head backwards reaching her neck so far back trying to get us to notice and pet her! She's too funny and still does this to this day!
And as for Monster, his name was originally Cookie (because of the black and white Oreo look) until I realized she was a he and decide to name him Monster (Cookie to Monster, get it?) hah.

And then, Monster became a teenager!
Minnie and Her Babies
Minnie appeared in the backyard one day by the shed and at first, I thought she was just a fat teenager cat, then realized she was a young (and possible the runt of her litter) pregnant cat (probably for her first time, so she was either 1 - 2 years old would be my guess).
She was timid at first but took only about two days to trust me enough to come inside - and am I glad she did. It didn't take long for her to give birth! I think it was a few weeks but with some cats, it takes that long or longer to trust enough to enter the house - if ever, for others!
She came in and I prepared a box (which she didn't use of course) but she did find a comfy spot in my nightstand on the lower opened level. So, I placed the blanket which I had put in the box inside the bottom of my nightstand for her which I'd like to think she enjoyed.
I was so happy to have been present when she finally gave birth! I even got some photos of one kitten "being" delivered! I won't post the photo (unless there is demand for it) but you can actually see the little guy still in his sack!
Here is a photo of Minnie after the delivery had ended (tired but content mama!)