Sunday, 15 November 2020

Mittens (with a side of Josee)

 And this is where my love of kitties began. Introducing Mittens!

I was about 8 (I think) when my mom told us we were going to get a cat and that I (being the kitty lover, my younger sister the dog lover, but a dog was too big to get) could pick it out! My mom took us to a lady's home who's cat had given birth to a litter a few weeks prior (the woman actually turned out to be my friend's mom which was super funny when I walked into her house and was like "I've been here" haha). When we got there, there were three kittens, two black fluffy cats and a short haired brown and white striped fella, one of which (a black one) was already spoken for. Both of my sisters, my younger and older (I'm the middle child - unenthusiastic "yay" insert here, lol), wanted the other black fluffy kitten, but I chose the brown striped guy! My older sister swore I chose him just to not choose the one she (and my younger sister) wanted, but it wasn't the case at all. The black fluffy ones were adorable, but he was different, like me. So I bonded with him then and there, and there was nothing anyone could say to make me choose otherwise. Well, I have always loved my choice, even my mom told me she was glad I choose him as well (though she kept her opinions to herself during the process because she told me I could chose). 

As far as childhood pets goes, he's the best. My mom tells me about the first night we brought him home, he was so small, and I was determined to have him sleep in my bed, but when my mom came to tuck me in I had tears in my eyes. She asked me what was wrong and I said; "What if I roll over during the night and crush him! My teddies always end up under me or on the floor!". She thought it was adorable and promised me she would keep him safe in her bed with her. 

As a kitten/teenager, he would climb up my mom's leg all the time and then one time,  he did it as she was about to step into the shower! 😲 That didn't end so well, she ended up with a giant cut all the way down her leg when he began to slid! But she didn't hold it against him, she had always encouraged his climbs and took it as a lesson! No more kitty in the bathroom before showers! hah. 

In the photo above, Mittens can be seen trying to flee Josee (full name Josee Jalapeno Sewchand, the J's said like H's for my English speaking audience) (Sewchand being my step-father's last name). Now, don't confuse this for thinking Mittens disliked Josee, on the contrary, he loved him. We would find them sitting together all the time, it just seemed that the moment we came upon it Mittens would often act like "What do you mean? I wasn't sitting with him!" haha but they were good friends. Josee was a rescue my mom's friend Barb and her sister found under a trailer with a wife, kittens and a baby raccoon they had adopted and was feeding off the mom alongside the kittens. Really it is an adorable story. The mom and kittens plus baby raccoon were all adopted, the raccoon and some of the kittens finding they're way to Barb's sister's farm, while my mom and step-dad decided to adopted Josee and give Mittens a brother/friend! Josee had the smallest, literally the tinyest! meow! Like a kitten -  so adorable! Everyone who met him thought it was crazy cute, that and we used to get him shaved in the summer like a lion hah if I ever find the picture I will need to update this post!

But back to my baby Mittens. He liked to sleep in sinks, particularly our ceramic faux sink, liked to chase my younger sister to her room down the hall while nipping at her heels (she hated it lol), loves my mom more than anyone (I should have let him sleep with me that first night, oh well.. lol) and is a beautiful boy who can take care of himself, yet doesn't mind a good pet. When I find more photos (currently in storage) I will update this post! He was my first, will always be my everything, I love him with all my heart! ❤


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